Urimon News

5000 participants

Amazing news!
We have reached the milestone of 5000 participants and that deserves a celebration! To mark this achievement, we visited our 5000th participant with a delicious Urimon cake and a bouquet of flowers.

Thank you to all participants contributing to the Urimon research! Soon we will share the first results of the research. Keep an eye on the website for the latest updates..

Results research screening tests

The results of the study showed that the attribute ‘Fear of getting an illness or disease’ had an amplifying effect on willingness to use a disease warning system. Furthermore, the attribute ‘Confidence in own health by using a disease warning system’ was also found to have an amplifying effect on willingness to use a disease warning system. No association was found between the risk group (people who smoke, have BMI > 25 and believe they have poor health) and willingness to use a disease warning system. It turns out that people who are not in the risk group are still willing to use a disease warning system.
If you would like to read the entire study, it can be found using the following link: https://purl.utwente.nl/essays/95597 (Dutch).

Urimon goes national!

As of recently, it is no longer necessary to live near a participating blood collection centre to participate in the Urimon study. Urimon is available nationwide! From Groningen to Maastricht and from Den Helder to Middelburg, participants who do not live nearby a participating blood collection centre can receive a urine jar at home every 3 months and return it filled in the original box, free of charge, via PostNL to us. Do you have family, friends or relatives in other parts of the country who would like to participate in the Urimon study? Then let them know that this is possible from now on.
You can register via https://app.urimon.nl/register

Research screening tests

A Health Sciences student at the University of Twente is conducting research on screening tests without the intervention of a doctor. For this research, he is looking for people participating in the Urimon study to give their opinions on tests that can detect diseases.
The research has been completed. Thank you for your participation!

4000 participants!

Great news! More than 4,000 participants are already taking part in the Urimon study. Last week, we visited our 4000th participant with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and an Urimon cake. We would like to thank all our participants for their participation and valuable contribution to the study. 

National Pee Day

Today is National Pee Day. Unfortunately, urinary problems are still a taboo in the Netherlands. National Pee Day is organised to overcome this taboo and make urinary problems more discussable. It also aims to inform people about incontinence, possible causes and possible treatment options.
Urimon Research warmly supports this initiative. For more information (in Dutch) visit: https://www.iederewctelt.nl/.

Market research questionnaire

We are conducting market research at Urimon, for this purpose we have prepared a questionnaire. Would you please take the time to fill in this short questionnaire? If you would like to send the link to other interested parties, that would be very nice. Thank you in advance for filling it in!
The research has been completed. Thank you for your participation!

New blood collection centre opened

Good news for Urimon participants in Hengelo! Blood collection centre Kulturhus Hasselo in Hengelo has recently joined the Urimon study. This means that you can now also hand in your urine and have blood drawn here. You can make an appointment via the following link: https://afspraken.medlon.nl/ (Dutch).

Happy holidays!

On behalf of the Urimon team, we wish everyone happy holidays and a happy and healthy 2023! 

3000th participant!

In less than 6 months after the milestone of 2000 participants, the Urimon study has reached the milestone of 3000 participants! To celebrate this, we visited our 3000th participant on Wednesday 7 December with cake and flowers. In the meantime, we are already on track to reach the 4000th participant. We would like to thank all our participants for their participation and we hope to welcome many more new participants. 

Urimon app

For some time now, the Urimon study has a free app that allows you to see anytime and very easily when it is time again to submit urine, fill in the questionnaire and/or have blood drawn. The app also allows you to fill in the questionnaire very easily and change your personal information if necessary. You can find the Urimon app under the name ‘Urimon‘ in the Apple appstore and the Android Playstore. We hope you will enjoy using the app. 

Focus group new urine collection system

New focus groups took place on 9 and 14 November within the Urimon study. Our intern Jeroen Boorsma (general practitioner and Industrial Design student) is developing a new urine collection system. After over 500 Urimon participants have already completed the online questionnaire, Jeroen started talking to a select group of participants about his designs. During this focus group, participants had the opportunity to test the designs and give their opinions. 

Knowledge Festival Twente Beter!

We were at the Knowledge Festival Twente Beter at the 8 of September. This was an event about the transformation of healthcare that is necessary to improve the health of people of Twente. During this festival, we interacted with colleagues from the healthcare sector and engaged citizens to talk about healthcare and our own Urimon research.

Medlon becomes Unilabs

Medlon and SHO have merged under the name Unilabs Netherlands since 1st of July 2022.
This will not bring any major changes for Urimon study participants. The current link to make an appointment at a blood collection centre will remain in use a while, but this link will eventually change to https://unilabs.nl/afspraak-maken (Dutch).
For the full press release from Medlon, please refer to the following link: https://unilabs.nl/node/1522 (Dutch).

Urimon goes Green!

To make Urimon research more environmentally friendly, we have recently started recycling our urine jars.
All jars are thoroughly cleaned and the orange preservative is added back in the jars. The recycled jars contain two small black stripes as shown in the picture. This way we know which jars are new and which are recycled.
All pots are initially recycled once. Further research will show whether recycling more than once is an option.
We are excited about this sustainable way of reusing urine jars and will continue to consider how we can carry out the Urimon study as sustainably as possible. If you have any advice or ideas on this, we would be happy to hear from you.

2000 participants!

We visited our 2000th participant with cake and flowers the 13th of June! We would like to thank all our participants very much for this great milestone and for joining our study. We hope to welcome many more new participants.